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Showing posts from May, 2020

Environment setup for machine learning

Hey guys, starting with the 2nd article of the course machine learning now, when you have a knowledge about machine learning we can move forward towards various installations we need to before getting started to the coding topics. In this article, you will learn how to setup the working environment for python machine learning on your local computer. Libraries and packages and datasets: To understand machine learning, you need to have basic knowledge of Python programming, like what are packages and libraries. In addition, there are a number of libraries and packages generally used in performing various important machine learning tasks as listed below -  Numpy - is used for its N dimensional array objects. pandas - is a data analysis library that includes dataframes. matplotlib - is 2D plotting library for creating graphs and plots. scikit-learn - the algorithms used for data analysis and data mining tasks. seaborn - a data Visualization library based on matplotlib...

Machine learning with python - concepts

Hey guys, once again bringing another technology trend on this blog for you all, but this time it’s something different. Rather than posting single article posts, I have made a free course on machine learning which will help you understand machine learning right from the beginning to advanced deep learning systems. You can find the full course under the label #machine learning in the menu. This is the 1st post of the course. Hope you enjoy this course and have meaningful knowledge about it. Python is a very popular platform used for research and development of production systems. It is a very vast language with number of modules, packages and libraries. Packages and libraries provide multiple ways of achieving a task. Python and its Libraries like Numpy, SciPy, Scikit-Learn, and Matplotlib are used in data science and data analysis. These libraries are also extensively used for creating scalable machine learning algorithms. Python implements machine learning techniq...

Plasma Propulsion Rockets

Hey guys, here with you bringing another new article related to technology. Th topics on which this article is based on is none other but plasma propulsion rockets. An this surely a trending technology which is under development in the present but is surely going to a bright future in the upcoming years. With the higher velocity propulsion engine the rockets equipped with these technologies will will be able to travel much faster through the interstellar space. So heading on to the topic. A plasma propulsion engine is a kind of electric drive that creates thrust from a quassi-neutral plasma. This is in contrast to ion thruster engine, which produce thrust through extracting an ion current from the plasma source, which is then accelerated to high speeds utilizing grids/anodes. These exist in numerous structures. Plasma engines don't commonly utilize high voltage grids or anodes/cathodes to accelerate the charged particles in the plasma, rather utilizes currents and potenti...

Mock test on Fluid mechanics and machinery for diploma

Hey guys, here with you bringing one more article and I guarantee that if you give this test promptly (without cheating) you will sure get an overview of the theory exam carried out by MSBTE for fluid mechanics and machinery. You can test your knowledge and the gaps where you have work on to score well in the exam. If you score 40 + in this exam I assure that you can score well in the theory exam. So subscribe the blog for more such content on mechanical engineering and technology trends. Head on to the test guys......               Loading… I hope you have scored well in this exam. So relax and concentrate on the theory exam. Best of luck for your theory exam on Fluid mechanics and machinery. Do check out more such interesting post and articles which will keep you up to date when it comes in technology trends.