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Corona Virus: The major epidemic

Hey guys, you all know about the major outbreak of a virus named covid-19 all around the world. In this article you will gather the information about the virus and the preventive measures that you should take during these hard day's.
As the name suggests COVOID-19 is a short form of "Corona Virus Disease 2019". The virus was discovered by a scientific lab in Wuhan, China in the December of 2019. This virus was then spread at a regularly increasing scale in china till Chinese government was forced to lockdown the city Wuhan. The virus spread in other countries by the end of January. It spread in Chinese influenced countries like Singapore, Vietnam, etc. and Italy.

The virus didn't disrupt much economy of other countries till the month of march, but a major outbreak was seen in Italy and America's as the virus infected a large number of people and these countries went in the phase 3 of the virus. India has also been forced to have a public curfew followed by a lockdown from 23rd of march till 14th of april in most of its states. Decisions taken by government in such situations affects the economy of country but on the other hand saves it's people from getting infected by such diseases.

"Prevention is better than cure" is the best thing one should do during these days. Some of the preventive measures one should follow are given below:
(1) Wash your hands on a regular basis: so as to avoid the virus infecting your body. Wash your hands atleast till 20sec.
(2) Avoid attending public meetings and programs: public meetings and programs have a large number of people gathered in one place which would lead to spreading of the virus at a large scale.
(3) Make a safe distance between you and other people: a distance of 1 meter or more would prevent you from getting infected if the other person is already infected by the virus.
(4) Wear a face mask(not necessary): wear a face mask to avoid your hand getting a direct contact with your face and nose.
(5) Sneeze or cough in your arms, not in your hands: Sneezing or coughing in arms prevent the virus that is released from mouth and avoids from getting further divided.
(6) Isolate yourself in the home: isolate yourself till 14 days if you have had a foriegn tour. 

Symptoms of this disease are just like the normal cold. People may be sick with the virus for 1 to 14 days before developing symptoms. The most common symptoms of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) are fever, tiredness, and dry cough. Most people (about 80%) recover from the disease without needing special treatment. More rarely, the disease can be serious and even fatal. Older people, and people with other medical conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, or heart disease), may be more vulnerable to becoming severely ill.
People may experience:
(1) Cough
(2) Fever
(3) Tiredness
(4) Difficulty in breathing (severe cases)

COVID-19 is a serious disease. An infected person can transfer the virus to 2.5 other person at an average. My request to all the people in the world is that please remain isolated and follow preventive measures and strictly follow the decisions taken by your governments, government is willing to have a safe and healthy environment. Support your government and stay safe and sane.


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